
Analysis, book reviews and photography from Abkhazia and the wider Caucasus --- updates when time permits

Who will succeed Sergei Bagapsh?

For the first week or so after the unexpected death of President Sergei Bagapsh this morning, following surgery in Moscow, Abkhazia will predominantly be mourning. But then the question of his succession will inevitably come up. In line with the constitution, Vice President Alexander Ankvab is now acting President, but …

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Abkhazian Deputy and statesman Vladimir Emin-ipa Nachach passes away

On Tuesday the 8th, Vladimir Emin-ipa Nachach passed away. He had been one of the most valuable members of the People's Assembly since he was first elected in 2002. A trained Lawyer and a veteran from the 1992-1993 war with Georgia, Nachach had headed the Committee on Legislation, Judicial and …

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